- Why ISSA Technical Seminar 2024? -


This ISSA Technical Seminar on social security for the self-employed and platform workers, focussing on developments in Asia and the Pacific, will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27–28 August 2024, hosted by the Social Security Organisation (Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial – PERKESO).

In Asia and the Pacific, efforts to bolster social security coverage have gained momentum, particularly concerning platform workers and the self-employed. Amid the dynamic landscape of the platform economy and labour market formalization strategies for both self-employed and platform workers, ensuring inclusive social security coverage has become a key objective that is supported by innovative strategies and regulatory measures.

The technical seminar will delve into recent advancements in enhancing social security coverage for both platform workers and the self-employed. It will encompass programme extensions, regulatory frameworks, classification of employment status and adaptations to the social security systems. Additionally, the seminar will explore institutional innovations facilitating registration, payment, data sharing and awareness initiatives.

By bringing together academic insight, good practices and innovations from ISSA member institutions and the research and strategies of international organizations, the event will offer both strategic and practical solutions to the challenge of extending coverage to the self-employed and platform workers.

The technical seminar will be held in English. It is open to representatives of ISSA member institutions from Asia and the Pacific, as well as invited participants. There is no registration fee for ISSA members.

- Schedule -

Events Schedule

Please be advised that the presentation materials will be accessible until 6 December 2024. After this date, the materials will be removed and no longer available for access.

0830 - 0900 Registration and Arrivals (Ground Floor, WTC KL)
0900 - 1000 Opening remarks and welcoming (Dewan Merdeka,Level 4, WTC KL)
1000 - 1030 Networking break
1030 - 1230 PLENARY 1: (Dewan Merdeka,Level 4, WTC KL)

Self-employment and Platform Economy in Asia and the Pacific
Moderator: Emeritus Prof Datuk Dr. Norma binti Mansor, Director SWRC

Global Developments and Social Security Challenges and Solutions
YBhg. Dato' Sri Dr. Mohammed Azman bin Dato' Aziz Mohammed, ISSA President & Group Chief Executive Officer of PERKESO

Legal Framework for Self-Employed (Asia Pacific)
Mr. Kenichi Hirose, Senior Technical Specialist, ILO

Social Security Coverage in the Arts: A Perspective from Niche Industry
YBhg. Datuk Azmir Saifuddin Mutalib, Chief Executive Officer of FINAS
1230 - 1400 Networking lunch (Tun Razak 4, WTC KL)
1400 - 1545 PLENARY 2: (Dewan Merdeka,Level 4, WTC KL)

Social Security Coverage For The Self-Employed And Platform Workers – International Trends And Good Practices
Moderator: Ms. Gayathri Vadivel, Vice President ISSA TC for Employment Insurance, Head of Department, Employment Service, PERKESO

Country Experience Korea: Good Practice Regarding Extension To Self-Employed
Dr. In Young Jung, Deputy Research Fellow, National Pension Research Institute, National Pension Service Korea

Country Experience Philippines: Good Practice Regarding Extension To Self-Employed
Mr. Carlo C. Villacorta, Acting Head, Account Management Group, Republic of Philippines, Social Security System

Country Experience Indonesia: Good Practice Regarding Extension To Platform Workers
Mr. Romie Er anto, Regional CEO of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Indonesia

Country Experience India: Good Practice Regarding Extension To Platform Workers
Ms. Mariko Ouchi, Senior Social Protection Specialist, ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team (DWT),New Delhi
1545 - 1600 Networking break
1600 - 1730 Special Forum session: (Dewan Merdeka,Level 4, WTC KL)

Advancing social security coverage for the self-employed and platform workers
Moderator: Mr. Edmund Cheong, Chief Strategic and Transformation Officer, PERKESO
Panel 1: YBhg. Dato’ Sri Khairul Dzaimee Daud, Secretary General Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia
Panel 2: Mr. Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, ISSA Secretary General
Panel 3: Emeritus Prof Datuk Dr. Norma binti Mansor, Director SWRC
1730 - 2000 GIG Dinner- The Estate on Federal Hill, Kuala Lumpur
0830 - 0900 Registration of participants

0900 - 1030 International Focus Area 1: ( Dewan Merdeka,Level 4, WTC KL) National Focus Area 2: (Dewan Tun Hussein Onn, Level 2, WTC KL) National Focus Area 3: (Dewan Tun Dr Ismail, Level 2, WTC KL)
Ensuring Effective Access To Coverage For Platform Workers – Country Experience And Institutional Good Practices
Moderator: Ms. Michiko Miyamoto, Director, International Labour Organization, Decent Work Team for South Asia and Country Office for India, New Delhi
Diverse Self Employment and Jobs Security
Moderator: En Mohamad Haron bin Othman, Head of The Self Employment Division, PERKESO
Labor Market Developments and Social Security Coverage Gaps
Moderator: Ms. Shuhada Nor Baharin, Actuarial, Statistics & Resource Center, PERKESO
Experience and good practice of China
Ms Wang Xiaochen Audit and Risk Control Division, China
The Road Ahead:Building Sustainable Job Security for The Platform and Gig Workers
Mr. Azirruan bin Arifin, Head Office Employment Insurance System, PERKESO
Social Security Protection Floor
Mr.Simon Brimblecombe, Chief Technical Adviser and Head, Regional Actuarial Services, International Labour Organization
Experience And Good Practice of Malaysia
Mr. Ahmad Nazli Bin Othman Mohd, Chief Financial Officer, PERKESO
Own Account Workers
Ms. Trân Bình Minh, The Central Institute for Economic Management, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam
Exploring Solutions for Job Transition Between Being Employed, On a Platform and Self Employment
Dr Zulkiply Omar, Senior Research Associate, SWRC
Experience And Good Practice of Singapore
Ms. Chee Sok Lin, Group Director Employer Collections and Enforcement Group Central Provident Fund, Singapore
An Analysis of the Professions Chosen by Self-Employed Individuals
Ms. Francesca Chia, CEO and Co-Founder, Go Get
Social Security For The Aged Self Employed
Ms. Balqais Yusoff, Head of Policy & Strategy, EPF
1030 - 1100 Networking Break
1100 - 1230 International Focus Area 4: ( Dewan Merdeka,Level 4, WTC KL) National Focus Area 5: (Dewan Tun Hussein Onn, Level 2, WTC KL) National Focus Area 6: (Dewan Tun Dr Ismail, Level 2, WTC KL)
Meeting The Social Security Needs Of The Self-Employed – Country Experience
Moderator: Mr. Indrajid Nurmukti, Regional Coordinator for Asia and Pacific, ISSA
Activation Labour Market Programmes (ALMP) For The Self-Employed And The Platform Workers
Moderator: Mr. Muhammad Adam Al-Nawawi, Head of Branch, Monitoring and Development, Employment Insurance Division
Safety and Health for the Self- Employed
Moderator: : Dr. Edrin Nazri bin Abdul Rasib, Head of Medical Board and Medical Opinion, PERKESO
Experience And Good Practice of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mr. Akbar Mohamadpoor, Head - Office of the Insurance Studies, Social Security Organization, Iran
Education And Awareness-Building on The Pros and Cons of Self-Employment and Platform Work
Mr. Jose Rizal, Chief Activist, Gabungan E-Hailing Malaysia
Safety At The Last Mile Road Safety For The Delivery Gig Workers
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Siti Zaharah Ishak, Director General of MIROS
Experience and good practice of Thailand
Ms. Narumol Boonmee, Director of Social Security Development for Information Workers, Social Security Organization, Thailand
Upskilling Initiatives for Self-Employed Skilled Workers and Micro-Entrepreneurs
Dr. Ram Gopal Raj, Chief Technology Officer, Outclass
Can the OSH Law Be Partial to The Self Employed?
Ms. Natsu Nogami, Chief Technical Advisor for Labour Law Reform and Industrial Relations Project, ILO
Experience and good practice of Azerbaijan
Prof. Dr. Elshad Khanalibayli, State Social Protection Fund, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, Republic of Azerbaijan
ALMPs Program for The Self-Employed and Platform Workers in Türkiye
Ms Zeynep Günder, Group Manager of the Protocols and Entities, Social Security Institution, Türkiye.
An Industrial Practice to Safety and Health Amongst Platform Workers
Mr. Mohamad Zainal Mohamad Nor, Head of OSHE, POS Malaysia
Experience and Good Practice of Indonesia
Dr. Andi Afdal, Director of Human Resources and General A airs BPJS Kesehatan
ALMPs Program for The Self-Employed and Platform Workers in Malaysia
Ms. Wan Amirah Wan Usamah, Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute
Rehabilitation And Return to Work Programs for The Self Employed?
Datuk Dr. Hafez Hussain, Executive Director, PERKESO Rehabilitation Centre
1230 - 1400 Networking Lunch

1400 - 1500 Plenary session: (Dewan Merdeka, Level 4, WTC KL)

Social security coverage in practice and testimonial journey of self-employed and platform workers from setback to recovery

Moderator: : Ms. Jamie Ko, Director of Public A airs and Policy, Grab
Testimony 1: Mr. Mohamad Hazmi bin Mohd Jaafar
Testimony 2: Ms. Azlina binti Md Shukri
Testimony 3: Mr. Niyaz Naathan bin Vellasamy

1500 - 1530 Coffee Break

1400 - 1500 Concluding Presentation:(Dewan Merdeka, Level 4, WTC KL)

Progress towards covering the self-employed and platform workers ‒ strategies, international tools and ISSA Guidelines

Mr. Jens Schremmer, Head Office of the Secretary General International Social Security Association (ISSA)

1600 - 1700 Closing Remarks and Ceremony-(Dewan Merdeka, Level 4, WTC KL)
Mr. Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, ISSA Secretary General
0800 Depart from the hotel in Kuala Lumpur
1000 Arrive at the PERKESO Rehabilitation Centre (PRPSB) in Melaka
1000 - 1230 Guided Tour of PRPSB facility
1230 - 1400 Lunch
1400 - 1600 Sightseeing of Prominent Places in Melaka
1600 Return to Hotel

- Ticket -

Book a Ticket

Due to overwhelming registration, we would like to annouce the registration is now closed.

ISSA Members

  • Two Days Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Keynote talk

Normal Participant

  • Two Days Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Keynote talk

- Information -

Practical Information

This event is in-person only. ISSA members and invited participants wishing to attend this event must register. It is open to representatives of ISSA member institutions from Asia and the Pacific, as well as invited participants from Malaysian or Non-Malaysian. There is no registration fee for this event to all participants.
Please use the following links located at the bottom of the webpage.

Visa and Vaccination

Participants are responsible for their own visa and vaccination requirements (when applicable). Under no circumstances can the PERKESO be responsible for visa arrangements. All visitors to Malaysia must hold a passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry into the country or any other document recognised by that country as a travel document.

For details on passport, visa and other travel matters, please visit the official portal of the Immigration Department of Malaysia, Ministry of Home Affairs:

Liability and Insurance

Participants are advised to ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage for illness, accident, temporary disability, death, damage, theft, loss, and liability covering the entire duration of the ISSA Technical Seminar and travel to and from the venue. PERKESO will not accept any liability for such contingencies.

- Accommodations -

Recommended Accommodations

Intercontinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Distance from hotel to seminar venue by car: 5km

Nearby train station: LRT Station Ampang Park

DoubleTree By Hilton Kuala Lumpur

Distance from hotel to seminar venue by car: 4km

Nearby train station: LRT Station Ampang Park

Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel

Distance from hotel to seminar venue by car: 3km

Nearby train station: Bukit Nanas Monorail Station

Mandarin Oriental Hotel

Distance from hotel to seminar venue by car: 4km

Nearby train station: LRT Station KLCC

For more information on the train station routes, visit : Rapid KL . Alternatively, you can also opt for other nearby public transportation such as taxi, bus and e-hailing services (Grab, AirAsia Move).

Complimentary pick-up and drop-off transportation from hotel to seminar venue offered to seminar participants staying at the four hotels listed above. If you are interested in our transportation, kindly fill in this form and we will be in touch with you:

Request Transportation

- Accommodations -

Walking Distance Accommodations

Seri Pacific Hotel and Sunway Putra Hotel are conveniently located within walking distance of the seminar venue. Both hotels are also near the LRT station PWTC, enabling easy accessibility to other parts of the city.

- Location -

The Venue